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La sílaba tónica y la tilde Spanish syllable word mapping Google slides are interactive and support Spanish language literacy. This helps students identify syllables, and listen to la sílaba tónica in a word, an essential skill to master prior to accent mark rules.



  • Set includes palabras llanas y agudas.
  • This list includes words that change meaning with acentuación.
  • Editable to meet the needs of your students
  • Words change slightly to reinforce accuracy
  • Use as a movement break or warmup
  • Aligned to American Reading Curriculum
  • Science of Reading en español
  • Spanish Vocabulary
  • Increases class engagement
  • Develop Spanish vocabulary
  • Syllable word mapping
  • Word Work
  • Syllable placement which supports development of acentuación



Palabras- tendría, canto cantó, sabia, sabía, hacia, hacía, papa, papá, toco, tocó, saco, sacó, callo, calló, cayo, cayó, rió, río, ame amé, bebe, bebé, este, esté, animó, ánimo, círculo, circuló, título, tituló

La sílaba tónica y la tilde Spanish Syllable Word Mapping Google slides

  • You will receive a PDF with links to make a copy of : 

    • Google slides presentation 
    • Answer key and Lesson plan in Google Docs
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