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La Sílaba Tónica la tilde y el acento ortográfico en español para El Dictado- Improve Spanish literacy instruction with "El Dictado: La Sílaba Tónica". This Google Slides lessons enhance phonological awareness and provide explicit instruction on Spanish accentuation, a skill needed to learn las reglas de acentuación.


IMPORTANT: This resource is part of this BUNDLE that includes a training video


The lesson focuses on the la sílaba tónica en español, a key component for understanding Spanish phonetics and accent mark rules. Integrated into your existing El Dictado instructional routine, it offers an authentic and innovative teaching approach.


The package includes 5 days of slides with little prep required, featuring words with and without 'la tilde', sentences, and a comprehensive introduction to Spanish accentuation.


El dictado boosts word studymechanicsspelling, punctuation, and fluency skills, enriching your instruction in both English and Spanish. Experience an interactive and authentic way of embedding language domains (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) in your student's learning process.


This lesson is great for:

  • Early literacy
  • Integrate Spanish phonological awareness with writing
  • Dual Language Teachers
  • Teachers who work with newcomers
  • Encourages growth mindset!
  • Use as a form of assessment


This lesson includes:

  • 99 Spanish lesson slides


5 Lessons:

  • Lesson 1: Introducción - ¿Qué es una sílaba tónica?,
  • Lesson 2: Palabras con la tilde (2 y 3 sílabas)
  • Lesson 3:Palabras sin la tilde
  • Lesson 4: Palabras con y sin la tilde
  • Lesson 5: Oraciones


How to use:

  • Takes only 15-20 minutes a day! (once students know the routine)
  • Follow the dictado slides based on the day
  • Save student work over the course of a week and reflect on individual growth

La Sílaba Tónica la tilde y el acento ortográfico en español para el dictado

  • You will receive a PDF with a link to download Google Slides 

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