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Conciencia Fonológica Spanish Syllable and phoneme segmentation is an interactive and partially editable google slide deck focused on Spanish initial vowel sounds and phoneme segmentation with opportunities to practice vocabulary. This sound isolation Google slideshow helps with vowel sounds and separating individual sounds, a skill essential in Spanish reading and writing and a transferable skill in your dual-language classroom.


This item is included in the Pa'Lante Membership! 



  • Spanish Vocales Initial Sound
  • 45 palabras
  • Focus on phoneme separation and isolation
  • Use as a movement break or warmup
  • Science of Reading en español
  • Increase class engagement
  • Develop Spanish vocabulary
  • Sound word mapping
  • Word Work (Assign to students in presentation mode to work on their own)


Look at the preview to see all the slides you will get! They are black with rainbow colored animation.



A - abeja, aguacate, agua, ardilla, anillo, araña, árbol, ancla, arcoiris, almohada

E- elefante, escuela, erizo, enojado/a/e, estrella, elote, escalera, escoba, enchufe, edificio

I- idea, iman, incendio, iguana, iglesia, izquierda, insecto, isla

O- ocho, oso, oro, ola, olla, oveja, oreja, oruga, ojos

U- uva, uno, uña, uniforme, universo, útiles, unicornio, ukelele

Conciencia Fonémica Spanish phoneme segmentation

$5.99 Regular Price
$4.99Sale Price
  • You will received a PDF with a link to download your copy on Google Slides 

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