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Provide visual support to your dual language classroom with 100 customizable bilingual classroom labels! These labels feature Spanish and English words with images and articles for language modeling and exposure. Customize with the movable digital highlighter to help helps separate languages. Use the blank editable template to create your own label. Perfect for multilingual students, these visual aids support sentence framing and classroom organization.


  • Spanish and English words
  • Print 4, 6, or 9 per page to vary sizing
  • Includes Spanish and English articles to facilitate the use within a sentence stem and to provide early learners with exposure to article word agreement.


Organized by category:

Furniture- la silla/the chair, el escritorio/the desk, el pupitre/the desk, la mesa/the table, el tablero/the bulletin board, la pizarra/the chalk board, la pizarra blanca/the white board, el gabinete/the cabinet, el estante/the shelf

Classroom Environment- la ventana/the window (2 versions), la pared/the wall, el piso/the floor, el techo/the ceiling, la puerta/the door, el lavamanos/the sink, las luces/the lights, el interruptor de luz/the light switch, el alarma de incendio/the fire alarm, la bandera/the flag, el alfabeto/the alphabet, el mapa/the map, el globo/the globe, la línea de números/the number line, el calendario/the calendar, el horario/the schedule, el baño/the bathroom.

Toys- el rompecabezas/the puzzle, los legos/the legos, los bloques/the blocks, los peluches/ the plushies, los carros/the cars, las páginas para colorear/the coloring pages, la cocina/the kitchen, la pelota/la bola/the ball

Supplies- el crayón/the crayon, la tiza/the chalk, la plastilina/the play dough, el lápiz/the pencil, los lapices de color/the colored pencils, el bolígrafo/la pluma, the pen, el borrador/the eraser, las tijeras/the scissors, el papel/the paper, el pegamento/the glue, el marcador/the marker, el libro/the book, la mochila/the backpack, el bulto/the backpack, la lonchera/the lunchbox, el imán/the magnet, los clips/the paperclips, la lupa/the magnifying glass, el cuaderno/the notebook, el buzón/the mailbox, la regla/the ruler/ el sacapuntas/the pencil sharpener, la calculadora/the calculator, el reloj/the clock, la cinta adhesiva/the tape, la pintura/the paint, el pincel/the paint brush, el portapapeles/the clipboard, las bandas de goma/the rubber bands, la canasta/the caddy

Technology- la computadora/the computer, la tableta/the tablet, la pantalla/the screen, el teclado/the keyboard (2 versions), los audífonos/the headphones, el micrófono/the microphone, la bocina/the speaker, el ratón de computadora/the mouse, el enchufe/the plug, la impresora/the printer

Cleaning- el basurero/el zafacón/the garbage can, el bote de reciclaje/recycling bin, los pañuelos/the tissues, el desinfectante de manos/ the hand sanitizer, los toallitas desinfectantes/the disinfectant wipes, la escoba/the broom, el recogedor/the dust pan, el trapeador/the mop, el plumero/the duster, la cubeta/the bucket, las toallas de papel/the paper towels, la esponja/the sponge, el jabón/the soap, la aspiradora/the vacuum cleaner/ los guantes/the gloves, la mascarilla/ the mask


More info: This document is in Google Slides format.


☀️Are you a dual language teacher looking for more ways to support your students with Biliteracy? Get your free K-5 Foundational Reading Skills Guide HERE

Bilingual Classroom labels in Spanish and English

  • You will receive a PDF document with a link to download your own Google Slides copy

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